Biomimetic file 171: Connected Spider-Robots!

How network communication effectiveness is key to projects success

download (1)Image source: Siemens Robotics Lab/Princeton, New Jersey/USA. In information technology, networking* is the construction, design, and use of a network, including the physical (cabling, hub, bridge, switch, router, and so forth), the selection and use of telecommunication protocol and computer software for using and managing the network, and the establishment of operation policies.

Highlight: “researchers at the Princeton, N.J., laboratory of Siemens’ Corporate Technology division have developed a collection of 3D-printing robots resembling large spiders (SISpis). The cybernetic arthropods are designed to operate both independently and cooperatively, working together to fabricate custom objects and assemblies…the machines are engineered for the research, development, and testing of algorithms for fabrication, perception, navigation, and collaboration…The most intriguing aspect of the SiSpis machines is the way they work together. As one example, the printing spiders do not carry any material due to their limited load-bearing capacity. Rather, each arthropod is paired with a “sidekick” robot that carries up to two spools of feedstock…”

Insight: Collaboration is key in any type of innovative work. Robotics have evolved greatly in the last decade or so concurrently with networks and notably the internet as the international platform for inter-connectivity. The merging of the two fields: robotics + networks will continue to see a new breed of devices come out that will slowly change our way of life. The wireless age is definitely here to stay and interconnections between devices is set to increase tremendously.

In business networking is of primary importance particularly when working on large projects with input expertise from around the world. The age of teams being physically present in the same space/location simultaneously to work on a project, despite sometimes still necessary, is coming to an end. Indeed new technologies now allow to work efficiently remotely. The challenge is no longer getting people in physical proximity but to ensure the strength and relevancy of the communication networking tools. As there are now many different platforms available to share information, choosing the most appropriate for a specific project will have fundamental implications on the success rate of that project. Despite common beliefs that every large project always reaches completion because of the significant costs involved, the failure rate of projects is actually high (around 40%)…

Some common examples of the variety of networking tools include:

  • Video-conferencing systems (some are much more reliable than others: working with a system that constantly breaks, has poor sound/video quality is irritating and will affect performance…);
  • Instant messaging applications;
  • File sharing systems (often cloud based platforms);
  • Specialized databases tools;
  • Management tools (it is important that someone keeps track of who is doing what and manages communications between members: a network project manager with the help of a robust system…)

Are you working on a project that requires bringing people remotely together from around the world? If so, perhaps spend some time deciding on the appropriate communication tool(s) to use for this specific project as making the wrong initial choices could escalate to catastrophic failure…

More information: here

What is Biomimetics: the field of gaining inspiration from nature first to solve some of our most difficult challenges. Instead of coming up with our own solutions to a problematic, the odds are that species or natural systems on the planet already offer an ultimate solution. This simple fact is also another strong case to preserve species at all cost as the intellectual heritage contained within or through the study of species is both irreplaceable and invaluable…

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Biomimetic file 120: harvesting energy from body artery pressure!

How to capture inner-corporate power

iPSBwCdPhoto credit: Naomi Kizhner. As blood is pumped out of the left ventricle into the aorta and distributing arteries, pressure is generated.  The mean arterial pressure (MAP) is determined by the cardiac output (CO), systemic vascular resistance (SVR), and central venous pressure (CVP) according to the following relationship, which is based upon the relationship between flow, pressure and resistance: Eq. 1: MAP = (CO × SVR) + CVP

highlight: “Naomi Kizhner, an industrial designer and graduate student from Hadassah College in Jerusalem, has designed jewelry that theoretically extracts energy from the wearers own body. The ‘speculative’ jewelry is embedded into the person’s veins and uses their blood to turn small wheels inside the device… ”

Insight: I wouldn’t actually categorize this as a good example of biomimicry as it is more a combination of technology with biological systems, however the idea is very interesting and could be developed to utilize bio-mimicry principles for instance by studying artery patterns of selected species in order to maximize the efficiency.

The idea to produce energy using our own body is a fantastic one; Indeed our body generates non-negligible amounts of energy should it be through normal motion (e.g. walking or simple regular body movements) or internal organ systems. This energy is simply wasted when in fact it could be re-captured and utilized to power small devices like smart phones or even bigger machines. Sufficient energy could be produced using efficient and well designed micro-turbines connected to our arteries. Perhaps adapting the technology to make it smaller and hidden below the skin as an implant like a heart control battery could be the start of a revolution of human body powered systems?

The above point of exploiting inner body power is inspirational as a business philosophy. We often hear that employees are a corporations most valuable asset but few company’s actually seem to understand that. Indeed, employees are not only an asset to individually deliver the tasks they were employed to do but as a team, the workforce within corporation is a powerful source of innovation in itself should the direction know how to get the best out of it.

Lets illustrate the above point with the following case study: a Tech company is faced with an important problem, they are trying to reach out to a younger market for one of their latest products which translates a piece of text into an emotion (e.g. “the writer of this text is happy”) based on the analysis of punctuation, text structures and other indicators. While well received by the business sector, so far the initiative has failed to reach the youngster considered a big market. After failing to gain much insight from outsourcing strategies, the management decides to turn back to their own company and capture ideas from their many talents. The problem is thrown to the workforce as a challenge inciting employees to act as small teams (no ore than 5 people) and to provide practical solutions on how to reach the market. The response is overwhelming and over 15 teams are created. After three months the company starts judging the entries through a first round of selection based on documents submissions followed by a second round of presentations for the finalists. One of the team comes up with a great App idea that brings the system to the hands of youngsters using an appropriate display that can also be used with instant messaging applications. The team is well rewarded and the company takes the opportunity to remind the workforce of their value to the company….

Are you faced with a problem you don’t feel has reached a satisfactory solution through outsourcing? If so, perhaps consider tapping onto your own workforce as well, even if the scope does not fall within the normal operational tasks, you may be surprised of the outcome and it is a great way to connect and motivate…

More information: here 

What is Biomimetics: the field of gaining inspiration from nature first to solve some of our most difficult challenges. Instead of coming up with our own solutions to a problematic, the odds are that species or natural systems on the planet already offer an ultimate solution. This simple fact is also another strong case to preserve species at all cost as the intellectual heritage contained within or through the study of species is both irreplaceable and invaluable…

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